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Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

7 Day TO Die My Crafting List

Exported from Notepad++
1.]======================================================¤ name = porkCharred count = 1 area = campfire tool = stick item = pork 2.]======================================================¤ name = rabbitCharred count = 1 area = campfire tool = stick item = rabbit
3.]======================================================¤ name = venisonCharred count = 1 area = campfire tool = stick item = venison 4.]======================================================¤ name = blueberryPie count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = egg item = cornMeal item = bottledWater item = blueberries 5.]======================================================¤ name = bottledWater count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = bottledRiverWater 6.]======================================================¤ name = coffee count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = coffeeBeans item = bottledWater 7.]======================================================¤ name = cornBread count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = cornMeal item = bottledWater 8.]======================================================¤ name = cornOnTheCob count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = corn item = bottledWater 9.]======================================================¤ name = eggboiled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = egg item = bottledWater 10.]======================================================¤ name = goldenRodTea count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = yellowflower item = bottledWater 11.]======================================================¤ name = porkBoiled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = bottledWater item = pork 12.]======================================================¤ name = rabbitBoiled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = bottledWater item = rabbit 13.]======================================================¤ name = rabbitStew count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = rabbit item = bottledWater item = potato item = corn 14.]======================================================¤ name = venisonBoiled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = venison item = bottledWater 15.]======================================================¤ name = venisonStew count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingPot item = bottledWater item = venison item = potato item = corn 16.]======================================================¤ name = baconAndEggs count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingGrill item = egg item = egg item = pork 17.]======================================================¤ name = porkGrilled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingGrill item = pork 18.]======================================================¤ name = rabbitGrilled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingGrill item = rabbit 19.]======================================================¤ name = venisonGrilled count = 1 area = campfire tool = cookingGrill item = venison 20.]======================================================¤ name = antibiotics count = 1 area = campfire tool = beaker item = moldyBread item = potassiumNitratePowder 21.]======================================================¤ name = grainAlcohol count = 1 area = campfire tool = beaker item = cornMeal item = bottledWater 22.]======================================================¤ name = 10mmBullet count = 1 item = bulletTip box = 3 item = gunPowder box = 8 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = bulletCasing box = 18 23.]======================================================¤ name = 44MagBullet count = 1 item = bulletTip box = 5 item = gunPowder box = 9 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = bulletCasing box = 17 24.]======================================================¤ name = 44Magnum count = 1 item = 44MagnumFrame box = 9 item = 44MagnumCylinder box = 13 item = 44MagnumParts box = 14 item = 44MagnumGrip box = 17 25.]======================================================¤ name = 762mmBullet count = 1 item = bulletTip box = 3 item = gunPowder box = 8 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = gunPowder box = 18 item = bulletCasing box = 23 26.]======================================================¤ name = 9mmBullet count = 1 item = bulletTip box = 8 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = bulletCasing box = 18 27.]======================================================¤ name = aloeCream count = 1 item = plantAloe box = 8 item = emptyJar box = 13 28.]======================================================¤ name = Awning1 count = 4 item = yuccaFibers box = 7 item = yuccaFibers box = 8 item = yuccaFibers box = 9 item = yuccaFibers box = 12 item = yuccaFibers box = 13 item = yuccaFibers box = 14 item = yuccaFibers box = 17 item = yuccaFibers box = 18 item = yuccaFibers box = 19 29.]======================================================¤ name = bandage count = 1 item = cloth box = 13 30.]======================================================¤ name = barbedFence count = 1 item = stick box = 12 item = barbedWireCrafted box = 13 item = stick box = 14 31.]======================================================¤ name = barbedWireCrafted 5 item = forgedIron box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = forgedIron box = 19 32.]======================================================¤ name = barnWood count = 8 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = plantChrysanthemum box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 33.]======================================================¤ name = bed01 count = 1 item = cloth box = 16 item = cloth box = 17 item = cloth box = 18 item = cloth box = 19 item = cloth box = 20 item = shortMetalPipe box = 21 item = shortMetalPipe box = 22 item = shortMetalPipe box = 23 item = shortMetalPipe box = 24 item = shortMetalPipe box = 25 34.]======================================================¤ name = bedRoll01_1 count = 1 item = cloth box = 16 item = cloth box = 21 item = cloth box = 22 item = cloth box = 23 item = cloth box = 24 item = cloth box = 25 35.]======================================================¤ name = blueberrySeed count = 1 item = blueberries box = 13 36.]======================================================¤ name = boneShiv count = 1 item = femur box = 13 37.]======================================================¤ name = bottledRiverWater count = 1 item = snow box = 8 item = emptyJar box = 13 38.]======================================================¤ name = bowl count = 4 item = clayLump box = 7 item = clayLump box = 9 item = clayLump box = 13 39.]======================================================¤ name = brick count = 9 item = clay box = 7 item = clay box = 8 item = clay box = 9 item = clay box = 12 item = clay box = 13 item = clay box = 14 item = clay box = 17 item = clay box = 18 item = clay box = 19 40.]======================================================¤ name = brickDecayed count = 2 item = dirt box = 8 item = brick box = 13 41.]======================================================¤ name = brickPaver count = 4 item = clay box = 7 item = clay box = 8 item = clay box = 12 item = clay box = 13 42.]======================================================¤ name = bucket count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 9 item = forgedIron box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 14 item = forgedIron box = 17 item = forgedIron box = 18 item = forgedIron box = 19 43.]======================================================¤ name = buckshot count = 8 item = ingotLead box = 13 44.]======================================================¤ name = bulletCasingMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = bulletCasing box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 45.]======================================================¤ name = bulletTipMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = bulletTip box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 46.]======================================================¤ name = cabinet count = 1 item = cobblestones box = 8 item = cabinetTop box = 13 47.]======================================================¤ name = cabinetTop count = 1 item = planks4 box = 13 48.]======================================================¤ name = campfire count = 1 item = rockSmall box = 7 item = rockSmall box = 8 item = rockSmall box = 9 item = rockSmall box = 12 item = rockSmall box = 14 item = rockSmall box = 17 item = rockSmall box = 18 item = rockSmall box = 19 49.]======================================================¤ name = cementMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 7 item = clayLump box = 8 item = clayLump box = 9 item = clayLump box = 12 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 50.]======================================================¤ name = clayLump count = 9 item = clay box = 13 51.]======================================================¤ name = clayLump count = 5 item = cornMeal box = 13 item = bottledWater box = 14 52.]======================================================¤ name = clubBarbed count = 1 item = stick box = 5 item = stick box = 9 item = scrapIron box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = stick box = 17 53.]======================================================¤ name = clubIron count = 1 item = scrapIron box = 4 item = stick box = 5 item = stick box = 9 item = scrapIron box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = stick box = 17 54.]======================================================¤ name = clubSpiked count = 1 item = scrapIron box = 4 item = stick box = 5 item = scrapIron box = 8 item = stick box = 9 item = scrapIron box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = scrapIron box = 14 item = stick box = 17 55.]======================================================¤ name = clubWood count = 1 item = stick box = 4 item = stick box = 5 item = stick box = 9 item = stick box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = stick box = 17 56.]======================================================¤ name = coal 0 item = coalOre box = 13 57.]======================================================¤ name = coalTorch count = 1 item = coal box = 8 item = stick box = 13 58.]======================================================¤ name = cobblestones count = 1 item = cement box = 8 item = destroyedStone box = 13 59.]======================================================¤ name = cobblestones count = 2 item = cement box = 8 item = stone box = 13 60.]======================================================¤ name = concrete count = 1 item = cement box = 8 item = gravel box = 13 61.]======================================================¤ name = concrete count = 4 item = gravel box = 7 item = stone box = 8 item = gravel box = 9 item = stone box = 12 item = gravel box = 13 item = stone box = 14 item = gravel box = 17 item = stone box = 18 item = gravel box = 19 62.]======================================================¤ name = concreteReinforced count = 4 item = concrete box = 7 item = shortMetalPipe box = 8 item = concrete box = 9 item = shortMetalPipe box = 12 item = concrete box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 14 item = concrete box = 17 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = concrete box = 19 63.]======================================================¤ name = concreteSlope count = 6 item = concrete box = 7 item = concrete box = 12 item = concrete box = 13 64.]======================================================¤ name = cookingGrill count = 1 item = shortMetalPipe box = 7 item = shortMetalPipe box = 8 item = shortMetalPipe box = 9 item = shortMetalPipe box = 12 item = shortMetalPipe box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 14 item = shortMetalPipe box = 17 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = shortMetalPipe box = 19 65.]======================================================¤ name = cookingPot count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 9 item = forgedIron box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = forgedIron box = 14 66.]======================================================¤ name = cornerFullWedgeAwning1 count = 4 item = wedgeAwning1 box = 8 item = wedgeAwning1 box = 13 item = wedgeAwning1 box = 14 67.]======================================================¤ name = cornMeal count = 2 item = corn box = 8 item = corn box = 13 68.]======================================================¤ name = cornSeed count = 4 item = corn box = 13 69.]======================================================¤ name = crossbow count = 1 item = stick box = 3 item = stick box = 4 item = stick box = 5 item = yuccaFibers box = 8 item = stick box = 9 item = stick box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = yuccaFibers box = 14 item = stick box = 15 item = stick box = 17 70.]======================================================¤ name = crossbowBolt count = 1 item = sharpStone box = 9 item = stick box = 13 item = feather box = 17 71.]======================================================¤ name = crushedSand count = 4 item = sand box = 13 72.]======================================================¤ name = crushedSand count = 4 item = sandStone box = 13 73.]======================================================¤ name = desk01 count = 1 item = planks4 box = 11 item = planks4 box = 12 item = planks4 box = 13 item = planks4 box = 14 item = planks4 box = 15 item = planks4 box = 16 item = planks4 box = 17 item = planks4 box = 19 item = planks4 box = 20 item = planks4 box = 21 item = planks4 box = 22 item = planks4 box = 24 item = planks4 box = 25 74.]======================================================¤ name = deskSafe count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 8 item = ingotIron box = 9 item = ingotIron box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 14 75.]======================================================¤ name = emptyJarMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = emptyJar box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 76.]======================================================¤ name = fireaxe count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 4 item = stick box = 9 item = ingotIron box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = stick box = 17 77.]======================================================¤ name = firstAidBandage count = 1 item = aloeCream box = 8 item = cloth box = 13 78.]======================================================¤ name = foodYuccaJuice count = 1 item = plantYucca box = 8 item = emptyJar box = 13 79.]======================================================¤ name = forge count = 1 item = rockSmall box = 7 item = rockSmall box = 9 item = rockSmall box = 12 item = rockSmall box = 13 item = rockSmall box = 14 item = shortMetalPipe box = 16 item = rockSmall box = 17 item = rockSmall box = 18 item = rockSmall box = 19 80.]======================================================¤ name = forgedIron count = 4 item = ingotIron box = 13 81.]======================================================¤ name = fridgeBottom count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 8 item = forgedIron box = 9 item = forgedIron box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = forgedIron box = 14 item = forgedIron box = 17 item = forgedIron box = 18 item = forgedIron box = 19 82.]======================================================¤ name = gasCan count = 1 item = grainAlcohol box = 6 item = grainAlcohol box = 7 item = grainAlcohol box = 13 item = grainAlcohol box = 14 item = grainAlcohol box = 15 item = grainAlcohol box = 18 item = grainAlcohol box = 19 item = grainAlcohol box = 20 item = grainAlcohol box = 23 item = grainAlcohol box = 24 item = grainAlcohol box = 25 83.]======================================================¤ name = gasCan count = 6 item = oilBarrel box = 13 84.]======================================================¤ name = glassWindowMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = glass box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 85.]======================================================¤ name = gravel count = 1 item = destroyedStone box = 13 86.]======================================================¤ name = gravel count = 2 item = cinderBlocks01 box = 13 87.]======================================================¤ name = gunPowder 0 item = coal box = 8 item = potassiumNitratePowder box = 13 88.]======================================================¤ name = halfBlockConcrete count = 2 item = concrete box = 13 89.]======================================================¤ name = hayBale count = 1 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 7 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 8 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 12 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 13 90.]======================================================¤ name = hoe count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 9 item = stick box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 15 item = stick box = 17 item = stick box = 21 91.]======================================================¤ name = huntingKnife count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 9 item = stick box = 13 92.]======================================================¤ name = huntingRifle count = 1 item = huntingRifleBarrel box = 9 item = huntingRifleStock box = 13 item = huntingRifleBolt box = 14 93.]======================================================¤ name = huntingRifleBarrelMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = huntingRifleBarrel box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 94.]======================================================¤ name = huntingRifleBoltMold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = huntingRifleBolt box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 95.]======================================================¤ name = huntingRifleStock count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 4 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 21 96.]======================================================¤ name = IngotMoldBrass count = 1 item = clayLump box = 2 item = clayLump box = 4 item = clayLump box = 7 item = clayLump box = 8 item = clayLump box = 9 97.]======================================================¤ name = IngotMoldIron count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 98.]======================================================¤ name = IngotMoldLead count = 1 item = clayLump box = 7 item = clayLump box = 9 item = clayLump box = 12 item = clayLump box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 99.]======================================================¤ name = IngotMoldTungsten count = 1 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 19 item = clayLump box = 22 item = clayLump box = 23 item = clayLump box = 24 100.]======================================================¤ name = ironBars count = 4 item = shortMetalPipe box = 1 item = shortMetalPipe box = 2 item = shortMetalPipe box = 3 item = shortMetalPipe box = 4 item = shortMetalPipe box = 5 item = shortMetalPipe box = 6 item = shortMetalPipe box = 8 item = shortMetalPipe box = 10 item = shortMetalPipe box = 11 item = shortMetalPipe box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 15 item = shortMetalPipe box = 16 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = shortMetalPipe box = 20 item = shortMetalPipe box = 21 item = shortMetalPipe box = 22 item = shortMetalPipe box = 23 item = shortMetalPipe box = 24 item = shortMetalPipe box = 25 101.]======================================================¤ name = ironBoots count = 1 item = leather box = 8 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = forgedIron box = 14 102.]======================================================¤ name = ironChestArmor count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 8 item = forgedIron box = 9 item = forgedIron box = 11 item = leather box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = leather box = 14 item = forgedIron box = 15 item = leather box = 17 item = forgedIron box = 18 item = leather box = 19 item = leather box = 22 item = forgedIron box = 23 item = leather box = 24 103.]======================================================¤ name = ironGloves count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 9 item = leather box = 13 104.]======================================================¤ name = ironHelmet count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 8 item = forgedIron box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = forgedIron box = 14 item = forgedIron box = 17 105.]======================================================¤ name = ironLegArmor count = 1 item = leather box = 2 item = leather box = 3 item = leather box = 4 item = leather box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 8 item = leather box = 9 item = forgedIron box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 14 item = forgedIron box = 17 item = forgedIron box = 19 item = forgedIron box = 22 item = forgedIron box = 24 106.]======================================================¤ name = ironWall count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 7 item = ingotIron box = 8 item = ingotIron box = 9 item = ingotIron box = 12 item = ingotIron box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 14 item = ingotIron box = 17 item = ingotIron box = 18 item = ingotIron box = 19 107.]======================================================¤ name = ladder count = 3 item = stick box = 2 item = stick box = 4 item = stick box = 7 item = stick box = 8 item = stick box = 9 item = stick box = 12 item = stick box = 14 item = stick box = 17 item = stick box = 18 item = stick box = 19 item = stick box = 22 item = stick box = 24 108.]======================================================¤ name = ladderMetal count = 3 item = shortMetalPipe box = 2 item = shortMetalPipe box = 4 item = shortMetalPipe box = 7 item = shortMetalPipe box = 8 item = shortMetalPipe box = 9 item = shortMetalPipe box = 12 item = shortMetalPipe box = 14 item = shortMetalPipe box = 17 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = shortMetalPipe box = 19 item = shortMetalPipe box = 22 item = shortMetalPipe box = 24 109.]======================================================¤ name = leather count = 2 item = animalHide box = 13 110.]======================================================¤ name = leatherBoots count = 1 item = leather box = 8 item = leather box = 13 item = leather box = 14 111.]======================================================¤ name = leatherGloves count = 1 item = leather box = 13 item = leather box = 19 112.]======================================================¤ name = leatherHat count = 1 item = leather box = 8 item = leather box = 12 item = leather box = 13 item = leather box = 14 113.]======================================================¤ name = leatherJacket count = 1 item = leather box = 7 item = leather box = 8 item = leather box = 9 item = leather box = 11 item = leather box = 13 item = leather box = 15 item = leather box = 18 item = leather box = 23 114.]======================================================¤ name = leatherPants count = 1 item = leather box = 2 item = leather box = 3 item = leather box = 4 item = leather box = 7 item = leather box = 8 item = leather box = 9 item = leather box = 12 item = leather box = 14 item = leather box = 17 item = leather box = 19 item = leather box = 22 item = leather box = 24 115.]======================================================¤ name = leatherStrips count = 5 item = leather box = 13 116.]======================================================¤ name = logCabin count = 4 item = trunkPine box = 8 item = trunkPine box = 13 117.]======================================================¤ name = metalStrips count = 5 item = shortMetalPipe box = 13 118.]======================================================¤ name = metalTrussing count = 3 item = shortMetalPipe box = 1 item = shortMetalPipe box = 5 item = shortMetalPipe box = 7 item = shortMetalPipe box = 9 item = shortMetalPipe box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 17 item = shortMetalPipe box = 19 item = shortMetalPipe box = 21 item = shortMetalPipe box = 25 119.]======================================================¤ name = mineAirFilter count = 1 item = scrapIron box = 2 item = scrapIron box = 3 item = scrapIron box = 4 item = gunPowder box = 7 item = gunPowder box = 8 item = gunPowder box = 9 item = airFilter box = 13 120.]======================================================¤ name = mineCandyTin count = 1 item = scrapIron box = 3 item = gunPowder box = 8 item = candyTin box = 13 121.]======================================================¤ name = mineHubcap count = 1 item = hubcap box = 3 item = scrapIron box = 8 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = gunPowder box = 18 item = hubcap box = 23 122.]======================================================¤ name = mp5 count = 1 item = mp5_stock box = 12 item = mp5_triggerHousing box = 13 item = mp5_barrel box = 14 123.]======================================================¤ name = mp5_barrel_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = mp5_barrel box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 124.]======================================================¤ name = mp5_stock_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = mp5_stock box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 125.]======================================================¤ name = mp5_triggerHousing_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = mp5_triggerHousing box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 126.]======================================================¤ name = nightstand count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 2 item = woodPlank box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 4 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 127.]======================================================¤ name = oilBarrel count = 1 item = gasCan box = 2 item = gasCan box = 3 item = gasCan box = 7 item = gasCan box = 8 item = gasCan box = 12 item = gasCan box = 13 128.]======================================================¤ name = oldChair count = 3 item = stick box = 4 item = stick box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = stick box = 17 item = stick box = 19 item = stick box = 22 item = stick box = 24 129.]======================================================¤ name = oldWoodPillar count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 2 item = woodPlank box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 130.]======================================================¤ name = paper count = 20 item = book box = 13 131.]======================================================¤ name = pickaxe count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 3 item = ingotIron box = 4 item = stick box = 9 item = ingotIron box = 10 item = stick box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 15 item = stick box = 17 132.]======================================================¤ name = pipeBomb count = 1 item = yuccaFibers box = 8 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 133.]======================================================¤ name = pistol count = 1 item = pistol_slide box = 13 item = pistol_barrel box = 14 item = pistol_triggerHousing box = 18 134.]======================================================¤ name = pistol_barrel_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = pistol_barrel box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 135.]======================================================¤ name = pistol_slide_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = pistol_slide box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 136.]======================================================¤ name = pistol_triggerHousing_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = pistol_triggerHousing box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 137.]======================================================¤ name = planks4 count = 8 item = plantChrysanthemum box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 138.]======================================================¤ name = plant02 count = 1 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 3 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 7 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 8 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 9 item = bowl box = 13 139.]======================================================¤ name = poleBlockPowerPole count = 4 item = woodPlank box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 13 140.]======================================================¤ name = potassiumNitratePowder 0 item = potassiumNitrate box = 13 141.]======================================================¤ name = potatoSeed count = 4 item = potato box = 13 142.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun count = 1 item = PumpShotgun_barrel box = 9 item = PumpShotgun_triggerHousing box = 13 item = PumpShotgun_pump box = 14 item = PumpShotgun_stock box = 17 143.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_barrel_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = PumpShotgun_barrel box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 144.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_pump count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 13 145.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_shortBarrel count = 1 item = PumpShotgun_barrel box = 13 146.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_shortBarrel_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = PumpShotgun_shortBarrel box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 147.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_shortStock count = 1 item = PumpShotgun_stock box = 13 148.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_shortStock count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 17 149.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_stock count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 21 150.]======================================================¤ name = PumpShotgun_triggerHousing_mold, count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = PumpShotgun_triggerHousing box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 151.]======================================================¤ name = pyramidShinglesWood count = 1 item = wedgeCabinShingles box = 13 152.]======================================================¤ name = rebarCobblestone count = 1 item = shortMetalPipe box = 7 item = shortMetalPipe box = 8 item = shortMetalPipe box = 9 item = shortMetalPipe box = 12 item = shortMetalPipe box = 14 item = shortMetalPipe box = 17 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = shortMetalPipe box = 19 153.]======================================================¤ name = rebarRampFrame count = 1 item = shortMetalPipe box = 7 item = shortMetalPipe box = 12 item = shortMetalPipe box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 17 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = shortMetalPipe box = 19 154.]======================================================¤ name = redWoodPillar count = 3 item = planks4 box = 3 item = planks4 box = 8 item = planks4 box = 13 155.]======================================================¤ name = reinforcedMetalSiding count = 4 item = scrapIron box = 7 item = scrapIron box = 8 item = scrapIron box = 12 item = scrapIron box = 13 156.]======================================================¤ name = rockSmall count = 8 item = stone box = 13 157.]======================================================¤ name = sandbags count = 1 item = cloth box = 8 item = cloth box = 12 item = sand box = 13 item = cloth box = 14 item = cloth box = 18 158.]======================================================¤ name = sandStone count = 9 item = bottledWater box = 7 item = sand box = 8 item = bottledWater box = 9 item = sand box = 12 item = bottledWater box = 13 item = sand box = 14 item = bottledWater box = 17 item = sand box = 18 item = bottledWater box = 19 159.]======================================================¤ name = sawedOffPumpShotgun count = 1 item = PumpShotgun_shortBarrel box = 9 item = PumpShotgun_triggerHousing box = 13 item = PumpShotgun_pump box = 14 item = PumpShotgun_shortStock box = 17 160.]======================================================¤ name = scrapBrass count = 1 tooltip = ttScrapMetalBrass <wildcard_forge_category 161.]======================================================¤ name = scrapIron count = 1 tooltip = ttScrapMetalIron <wildcard_forge_category 162.]======================================================¤ name = scrapLead count = 1 tooltip = ttScrapMetalLead <wildcard_forge_category 163.]======================================================¤ name = scrapMetalWall count = 1 item = scrapIron box = 7 item = scrapIron box = 8 item = scrapIron box = 9 item = scrapIron box = 12 item = scrapIron box = 13 item = scrapIron box = 14 item = scrapIron box = 17 item = scrapIron box = 18 item = scrapIron box = 19 164.]======================================================¤ name = sectionalArm count = 1 item = cloth box = 3 item = cloth box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 13 165.]======================================================¤ name = sectionalArm2 count = 1 item = leather box = 3 item = leather box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 13 166.]======================================================¤ name = sectionalCorner count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 2 item = cloth box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = cloth box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = cloth box = 13 item = cloth box = 14 item = cloth box = 15 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 item = woodPlank box = 20 167.]======================================================¤ name = sectionalCorner2 count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 2 item = leather box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = leather box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = leather box = 13 item = leather box = 14 item = leather box = 15 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 item = woodPlank box = 20 168.]======================================================¤ name = sectionalMiddle count = 1 item = cloth box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 4 item = cloth box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = cloth box = 11 item = cloth box = 12 item = cloth box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 16 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 169.]======================================================¤ name = sectionalMiddle2 count = 1 item = leather box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 4 item = leather box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = leather box = 11 item = leather box = 12 item = leather box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 16 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 170.]======================================================¤ name = secureDoorHardMetal count = 1 item = forgedIron box = 2 item = forgedIron box = 3 item = forgedIron box = 7 item = forgedIron box = 8 item = forgedIron box = 12 item = forgedIron box = 13 item = forgedIron box = 17 item = forgedIron box = 18 171.]======================================================¤ name = secureDoorScrapMetal count = 1 item = scrapIron box = 2 item = scrapIron box = 3 item = scrapIron box = 7 item = scrapIron box = 8 item = scrapIron box = 12 item = scrapIron box = 13 item = scrapIron box = 17 item = scrapIron box = 18 172.]======================================================¤ name = secureDoorTungsten count = 1 item = ingotTungsten box = 2 item = ingotTungsten box = 3 item = ingotTungsten box = 7 item = ingotTungsten box = 8 item = ingotTungsten box = 12 item = ingotTungsten box = 13 item = ingotTungsten box = 17 item = ingotTungsten box = 18 173.]======================================================¤ name = secureDoorWooden count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 2 item = woodPlank box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 174.]======================================================¤ name = secureGunSafe count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 2 item = ingotIron box = 3 item = ingotIron box = 4 item = ingotIron box = 7 item = ingotIron box = 8 item = ingotIron box = 9 item = ingotIron box = 12 item = ingotIron box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 14 item = ingotIron box = 17 item = ingotIron box = 18 item = ingotIron box = 19 item = ingotIron box = 22 item = ingotIron box = 23 item = ingotIron box = 24 175.]======================================================¤ name = secureStorageChest count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 176.]======================================================¤ name = sharpStone count = 1 item = rockSmall box = 13 177.]======================================================¤ name = shinglesWood count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 178.]======================================================¤ name = shortMetalPipe count = 3 item = forgedIron box = 13 179.]======================================================¤ name = shotgunShell count = 1 item = buckshot box = 9 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = paper box = 17 180.]======================================================¤ name = shovel count = 1 item = stick box = 5 item = stick box = 9 item = stick box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 16 item = ingotIron box = 17 item = ingotIron box = 21 item = ingotIron box = 22 181.]======================================================¤ name = sledgehammer count = 1 item = ingotIron box = 3 item = ingotIron box = 9 item = stick box = 13 item = ingotIron box = 15 item = stick box = 17 item = stick box = 21 182.]======================================================¤ name = sniperRifle count = 1 item = sniperRifle_barrel_1 box = 5 item = sniperRifle_scopeFrame box = 8 item = sniperRifle_barrel_2 box = 9 item = sniperRifle_triggerHousing box = 13 item = sniperRifle_stock box = 17 183.]======================================================¤ name = sniperRifle_barrel_1_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = sniperRifle_barrel_1 box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 184.]======================================================¤ name = sniperRifle_barrel_2_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = sniperRifle_barrel_2 box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 185.]======================================================¤ name = sniperRifle_scopeFrame_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = sniperRifle_scopeFrame box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 186.]======================================================¤ name = sniperRifle_stock_mold count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = sniperRifle_stock box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 187.]======================================================¤ name = sniperRifle_triggerHousing_Mold, count = 1 item = clayLump box = 12 item = sniperRifle_triggerHousing box = 13 item = clayLump box = 14 item = clayLump box = 17 item = clayLump box = 18 item = clayLump box = 19 188.]======================================================¤ name = stairsConcrete count = 4 item = concrete box = 5 item = concrete box = 9 item = concrete box = 13 item = concrete box = 17 189.]======================================================¤ name = stairsPavers count = 4 item = brickPaver box = 5 item = brickPaver box = 9 item = brickPaver box = 13 item = brickPaver box = 17 190.]======================================================¤ name = stairsSmallRichwood count = 4 item = planks4 box = 5 item = planks4 box = 9 item = planks4 box = 13 item = planks4 box = 17 191.]======================================================¤ name = stairsStone count = 4 item = cobblestones box = 5 item = cobblestones box = 9 item = cobblestones box = 13 item = cobblestones box = 17 192.]======================================================¤ name = stick count = 3 item = woodPlank box = 13 193.]======================================================¤ name = stone count = 1 item = rock05 box = 13 194.]======================================================¤ name = stone count = 1 item = rock01 box = 13 195.]======================================================¤ name = stoneAxe count = 1 item = yuccaFibers box = 9 item = stick box = 13 item = sharpStone box = 15 196.]======================================================¤ name = tnt count = 1 item = yuccaFibers box = 3 item = paper box = 6 item = paper box = 7 item = gunPowder box = 8 item = paper box = 9 item = paper box = 10 item = paper box = 11 item = gunPowder box = 12 item = gunPowder box = 13 item = gunPowder box = 14 item = paper box = 15 item = paper box = 16 item = gunPowder box = 17 item = gunPowder box = 18 item = gunPowder box = 19 item = paper box = 20 item = paper box = 21 item = paper box = 22 item = paper box = 23 item = paper box = 24 item = paper box = 25 197.]======================================================¤ name = torch count = 1 item = yuccaFibers box = 8 item = stick box = 13 198.]======================================================¤ name = torch count = 1 item = cloth box = 8 item = stick box = 13 199.]======================================================¤ name = trapSpikes01 count = 3 item = stick box = 11 item = stick box = 13 item = stick box = 15 item = stick box = 16 item = stick box = 18 item = stick box = 20 item = stick box = 21 item = stick box = 23 item = stick box = 25 200.]======================================================¤ name = trunkPineTip count = 4 item = trunkPine box = 8 item = trunkPine box = 12 item = trunkPine box = 13 item = trunkPine box = 14 201.]======================================================¤ name = tubeConcrete count = 3 item = concrete box = 3 item = concrete box = 8 item = concrete box = 13 202.]======================================================¤ name = weaponRepairKit count = 1 item = oil box = 9 item = cloth box = 13 item = metalStrips box = 17 203.]======================================================¤ name = wedgeAwning1 count = 1 item = Awning1 box = 8 item = Awning1 box = 13 item = Awning1 box = 14 204.]======================================================¤ name = wedgeCabinShingles count = 6 item = shinglesWood box = 8 item = shinglesWood box = 13 item = shinglesWood box = 14 205.]======================================================¤ name = window01 count = 1 item = stick box = 7 item = stick box = 8 item = stick box = 9 item = stick box = 12 item = stick box = 14 item = stick box = 17 item = stick box = 18 item = stick box = 19 206.]======================================================¤ name = woodenStairs count = 4 item = woodPlank box = 5 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 17 207.]======================================================¤ name = woodFence count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 208.]======================================================¤ name = woodFenceOldFarm count = 2 item = woodPlank box = 2 item = woodPlank box = 3 item = woodPlank box = 4 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 22 item = woodPlank box = 23 item = woodPlank box = 24 209.]======================================================¤ name = woodFrame count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 8 item = woodPlank box = 9 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 14 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 210.]======================================================¤ name = woodPlank 6 item = trunkPineTip box = 13 211.]======================================================¤ name = woodPlank count = 8 item = driftwood2 box = 13 212.]======================================================¤ name = woodPlank 6 item = trunkPine box = 13 213.]======================================================¤ name = woodRampFrame count = 1 item = woodPlank box = 7 item = woodPlank box = 12 item = woodPlank box = 13 item = woodPlank box = 17 item = woodPlank box = 18 item = woodPlank box = 19 214.]======================================================¤ name = woodShinglesCorner count = 2 item = wedgeCabinShingles box = 7 item = wedgeCabinShingles box = 13 215.]======================================================¤ name = wrench count = 1 item = shortMetalPipe box = 3 item = shortMetalPipe box = 4 item = shortMetalPipe box = 8 item = shortMetalPipe box = 13 item = shortMetalPipe box = 14 item = shortMetalPipe box = 18 item = shortMetalPipe box = 23 216.]======================================================¤ name = yuccaFibers count = 4 item = plantYucca box = 13 217.]======================================================¤ name = yuccaFibers count = 1 item = brownGrassDiagonal box = 13 info box place item:

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